Tips on using the NIWA DataHub

Finding data products

The NIWA DataHub offers, depending on data category, filter options for finding data products. These can be custom 'tickbox choices' for the specific data category or one of the following filtering options.

Filtering using the 'Search' Box (available for most data categories)

Enter a search term. Press 'Apply filters'. This will show all data products where the search term is contained in the product title or description. For example: agent no of Virtual Climate Network (VCSN) sites, parameters of interest (e.g. "temperature")

Filtering using 'Temporal Search' (available for some products)

Selecting a start data AND end date. Press 'Apply filters'. It will filter products where the product data time period (as displayed on the product page) is within the selected start and end date. 

Filtering using 'Location Search' (available for some products)

Click on a point in a map. Press 'Apply filters'. A search radius of 50 km will be used to locate all matching products. 

Filtering using 'Map' (available for some products)

Change to "Map" filter by moving above toggle. This displays a map view of locations of available products. Clicking a point will show available products on the right hand side.

Note: The 'Map' filter does not update with 'List' filter.

Note: The 'Map' filter will only show locations below a certain zoom level.

Login / Register

To access data, users are required to register. Users will be prompted with this:

New users use their chosen email address. Existing users use the same email address as registered. Registration and login is passwordless. A registration code will be sent to the email address that was entered at in the prompt.

DataHub will logout users after a period of inactivity. Users will be required to log in again. This also applies when users log in from a different device. 

Information requested for new registrations

For new registrations. before data can be accessed, users will be prompted to provide some further information. This includes account type, organisation name, organisation size, sector / type, etc.

Users can choose from 3 account types (more information): Personal, Public, Business.



At checkout, before payment, users will be prompted to provide the purpose of using the data acquired.

At checkout, at payment, users will be prompted to supply their address.

After checkout

  • After checkout, users will get a confirmation email (including download links).
  • Users can go at any time to "My account" -> "My orders" to see orders and the download links.
  • Note: data files are usually provided in compressed format (zip or gzip) and require a compression software for extraction (e.g. Winzip, 7-Zip).