Non-commercial use
You are not allowed to:
- make the Data available for download or disclose, provide, publish, sell, license or otherwise make available the Data or Outputs by any means to any third party; or
- commercialise the Data or any Output.
Your may :
- use the Data for compliance with statutory or regulatory reporting requirements or carrying out of public duties;
- use the Data to prepare or create Outputs, provided that no Output may reproduce significant tranches or the full set of the Data or allow for the extraction or reverse engineering of the Data; and
- publish or make available Reports to third parties (including by display on a website).
You agree :
- that the Data constitutes commercially sensitive information of NIWA;
- that all Intellectual Property Rights in or associated with the Data are, and will remain, vested solely in NIWA;
- to take all necessary and reasonable steps to protect the Data from unauthorised access, use or disclosure.
Full licence text see here .